Color Tools


Chromatic Color Tool

Our Chromatic Color Tool has over 6,800 color swatches of actual paint spray-outs from our formulas.

This tool alone can shave up to 30 minutes off the matching process, while producing a highly accurate color match.

All swatches are organized chromatically by color groups and effects.


Color Matching

Our YoCoat Color Software has been designed to be effective, efficient and user friendly.

YoCoat’s color database is updated bi-monthly via the internet to ensure you have the most up to date to formulations available at your finger tips, enabling you to match colors for all Asian, European and US brands.

Our state-of-the-art European technology allows us to match more that 150,000 colors with less toners (only 59) than most other systems!

Spectro Software

Spectro Software

Our state of the art Spectro Software works perfectly with our Spectro and our color mixing software! We’ve worked hard to make it easier for you to get to that best possible match in minutes.

You can process more jobs, more efficiently and effectively and that can mean more money in your pockets.

  • Automatically push Spectro reading from the camera to the software
  • Spectro Software will produce the best possible formulas for you to get a blendable match
  • Spectro Software can also automatically make adjustments to a selected formula to produce and even closer match for the specific color that’s been read using the Spectro
  • Seamless integration between our color mixing platform and automatic
    paint dispenser